Abdominal Massage
Arvigo® Therapy is best known for addressing misalignment or congestion in the reproductive organs of both men
and women, as well as many common digestive disorders. The techniques effectively alleviate tissue congestion and organ constriction to improve the vital flows of energy, blood, lymph and nerves in the abdomen. They address and can release emotional and energetic tension from the abdomen. This assists to prevent the progression of chronic disease symptomology while improving the body’s ability to relf repair and balance.
The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® support and enhance health and wellness throughout the life cycle for women, men, and children.
Arvigo® practitioners around the world have repeatedly found that their clients experience significantly shorter
and easier labors. Midwifery-based practices that have integrated Arvigo® Therapy into their care have reported positive differences in birth outcomes as evidenced by more efficient contractions and shorter labors.
Appointments available for fertility enhancement, one time pregnancy treatments and multiple appointment packages for the length or your pregnancy. Specialized postpartum care also available.