Home Birth
Midwife Rebecca Taylor has been offering home and water births on Cape Cod for many years. She specializes in completely customizable birth plans with an emphasis on client care and safety. From the first meeting Rebecca will help you navigate the birth process, with all it's options and decide on a plan that's right for you. Her years of experience help her bring a sense of calm and informed decision making to your birthing experience.
Please note: The midwife is not accepting home birth clients at this time.

Homebirth Package Includes
Comprehensive prenatal care, including:
Prenatal visits every four weeks until 28 weeks of pregnancy, every two weeks from 28 to 36 weeks, and weekly from 36 weeks until the birth
Home visit at 36 weeks
Prenatal appointments are an hour long and focused on what you want to know. I offer a variety of proactive hands-on care you won't get with traditional prenatal care, like belly wrapping before and after birth, belly mapping and personalized suggestions for baby’s positioning and comfort measures including Rebozo, for where you are at in your pregnancy.
24 hour availability by email and/or phone for midwifery emergencies/concerns
Nutritional counseling and recommendations
Lending library of books, videos, DVDs and other materials
Referrals to complementary health providers and community resources
Two midwives at your homebirth for:
Continuous labor support in your home when labor is established
Midwifery care during labor, birth & immediate postpartum until mother and baby are settled
(min. 2 hours)
Water birth, birth stool, upright birth, kneeling birth...
Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC)
Postpartum care for mother & baby including:
Postpartum and well baby visits during the first two weeks at your home
Additional visit at 4 to 6 weeks postpartum at my office
Breastfeeding support
It does not include: Birth pool, Birth Kit, Lab work, ultrasounds, or any other testing.
There are no refunds in the event of transport, you will still receive postpartum care.